Rabu, 27 Maret 2019

Business English 2

Team Assignment

Member 1

The Present Simple
The present simple says that something was true in the past, is true in the present, and will be true in the future. It express general statement of fact and timeless truths. The present simple used to express habitual or everyday activities.
Examples :
(+) She studies economic in the library
(-) She does not study economic in the library
(yes/no) Does she study economis in the library?
(why) Why does she study economic in the library?
(how) How does she study economic in the library?

The Present Continues
The present continues expresses an activity that is in progress at the moment of speaking. It is a temporary activity that began in the past, is continuing at present, and will probably end at some point in the future
Examples :
(+) He is watching movie in the cinema
(-) He is not watching movie in the cinema
(yes/no) Is he watching movie in the cinema?
(when) When is he watching movie in the cinema?
(how) How is the situation in the cinema?

The Present Perfect
The present perfect expresses the idea that something happend, also expresses the repetition of an activty before now.
Examples :
(+) I have ever seen panda
(-) I have never seen panda
(yes/no) Have you ever seen panda?
(Where) Where have you seen panda?
(How) How long have you been in the zoo?

The Present Perfect Continues
These tense is used to indicate the duration of an activity that began in the past and continues to the present.
Examples :
(+) We have been sitting here since 7 o’clock
(-) We have not been sitting here since 7 o’clock
(yes/no) Have we been sitting here since 7 o’clock?
(Why) Why have we been sitting here since 7 o’clock?
(How) How have we been sitting here since 7 o’clock?

Member 2

The Past Simple
The past simple indicate that an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past.
Examples :
(+) Ami drank coffee
(-) Ami didn’t drink coffee
(yes/no) Did Ami drink coffee?
(Where) Where did Ami drink coffee?
(How) How did Ami drink coffee?

The Past Continues
The past continues occurred at the same time but one action began earlier and was in progress when the other action occured.
Examples :
(+) Zamal was waiting Ibal in the park
(-) Zamal wasn’t waiting Ibal in the park
(yes/no) Was Zamal waiting Ibal in the park?
(When) When was Zamal waiting Ibal in the park?
(How) How was Zamal waiting Ibal in the park?

The Past Perfect
The Past Perfect expresses on activity that was completed before another activity or time in the past.
Examples :
(+) My parents had imigrated to United State from China
(-) My parents hadn’t imigrated to United State from China
(yes/no) Had My parents imigrated to United State from China?
(When) When had My parents imigrated to United State from China?
(How) How had My parents imigrated to United State from China?

Member 3

The Future Simple
The Future Simple is used to express future time
Examples :
(+) Inggit will finish her work tomorrow
(-) Inggit won’t finish her work tomorrow
(yes/no) Will Inggit finish her work tomorrow?
(What) What will Inggit do tomorrow?
(How) How will Inggit do tomorrow?

The Future Continous
The Future Continous expresses an activity that will be in progress at a time in the future
Examples :
(+) Maudy is going to be playing chess
(-) Maudy isn’t going to be playing chess
(yes/no) Is Maudy going to be playing chess?
(When) When is Maudy going to be playing chess?
(How) How is Maudy going to be playing chess?

The Future Perfect
The Future Perfect expresses an activity that will be completed before another time or event in the future.
Examples :
(+) Yudha will has graduated at the Gunadarma University
(-) Yudha won’t has graduated at the Gunadarma University
(yes/no) Will Yudha have graduated at the Gunadarma University?
(When) When will Yudha have graduated at the Gunadarma University?
(How) How will Yudha have graduated at the Gunadarma University?

Member 4

The use of some and any
Some expresses a positive sentence and quantifier.
Example : I have some flowers

Any expresses a negative or introgative sentence and quantifier.
Example : I don’t have any flowers or Do you have any flowers?

The use of much, many, and a lot of
Many expresses a countable noun.
Example : I have many bags

Much expresses a uncountable noun.
Example : I have much money

A lot of expresses a countable and uncountable noun.
Example : She has visited a lot of place

The use of adjective
The function of adjective is to explain noun and pronoun.
Example : Zilan is beautiful and smart girl.

Member 5

The use of compround sentences using the connective
Complex sentences is a sentences that have main clause and have at least one dependent clause.
Example : The person whom you met yesterday is my sister

The use of articles
a , an, the – (no articles)
Example :
A book is on the table
An apple is too sweet
The student go to school

And (addition)
Example :
My sister goes to mall and i go to campus

Example :
I like coffee but my sister doesn’t

Or ( Choice or Alternativ )
Example :
Which want do you choose coffee or milk?

So ( Cause and Effect )
Example :
This month in my campus is holiday time, so we go to the beach

For ( Cause )
Example :
I can’t go out this weekend for my motorcycle is broken

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