Jumat, 26 April 2019

Bussiness English 2

Meeting 2 Team Assignment

Member 1 By : Zilan Dewi Nasmah  (27216938)
Verb + Gerund Phrase
I enjoy playing teknis
Have youu finished getting dressed
I don’t mind cooking
Some people avoid driving on the freeway
Zilan postponed travelling to Aussie
Verb + infinitive phrase
I hope to see you again soon
He promised to be here by ten
He promise not to be late
I hapo to begin college this year we love to driver car
Verb + Proposition Phrase
We talked about going to canada for our vacation
Lee is in charge of organizing the meeting
I’m interested in learning more about your work
Alice isn’t interested in looking for new job
We talked about not going to  the meeting
Adjective + Infinitive
Shella is smart to solve math
The pie is too hot  to eat
He’s to sick to leave the hospital
The ice too thin to walk on
He’s too busy to taken a break

Member 2 By : Nathalia Rahmawati (25216335)
Affirmative and negative agreement
Their plane is arriving at 7 o’clock and so is mine
I am sick and he is too
Our class is clean and so are theirs
Bella is beautiful and her sister is too
My hand writing is bad and so are you
Negative Agreement
The manager isn’t too happy with the project adn neither is his assistant
We can’t study in library and he can’t either
You didn’t pay the taxes and they didn’t either
My brother won’t accept my father’s decision and my sister won’t either
He doesn’t know the answer and neither does she
Possitive (+)
Close the door please
Turn on the lamp please
Follow my way
Open the door please
Close the book now
Negative (-)
Don’t cross that way
Don’t make a mess
Never do that anymore
Don’t speak silly things

Member 3 By : Shella Nur Azizah (26216992)
Modal Auxiliaries

Present ability :
I can go to the office
Can you give me a new car?
Can i ask you some question
Can you speak mandarin?
Past ability :
Could you come to the party
Could you like another cup of tea
You could forget the meeting tomorrow
We could meet more often
You could run faster than me
Present Posibility
May i go to the toilet?
May i go home now?
He may work out and consume health food
You might forget our plan tomorrow
May i sit here?
Past possibility
The doctor might have asarned you not to eat
You might come late
She might go to the hospital
Inggit said today might be rain
Asking for permission
Can i drink that tea?
Could you borrow me pan
May i read your book?
Could you explain me?
Can i go home with you
Asking for giving permission
You can drink that tea
Natha could borrow my pen
Can i ask you some question
You can go home now
Can you leave me alone?
Could you close the door?
Could i use your computer?
Would you like another glass of water?
Would you like another plate of noodles?
You should drink your medicine
Ami should see the doctor
Kamila should go to the course
We should shop together
She should read that book
You should tell them everything
You ought to tell me
She shouldn’t speak that word
He ought to wear high quality shoes
I should listen to him
You mustn’t eat too many chocolate
Children have to help at home
You should study harder
She ought to go to dentist
You have not speak indonesian
You mustn’t smoke here
You mustn’t disobey the rules
I must pay her debt
I don’t have to work on Sunday
He must study math

Member 4 By : Inggit Hanum Pratiwi (23216523)
1. Before a noun
Umumnya, posisi dari adjective ini ada sebelum noun yang hendak diterangkannya. Aturan mengenai adjective before noun ini biasa disebut sebagai adjective order. Susunan ini mengharuskan kata sifat diurutkan berdasarkan kategorinya, yaitu Determiner (a, the, some, etc.), Opinion (pendapat tentang noun), size (ukuran), age (usia), shape (bentuk), Color (warna), origin (asal), material (bahan), dan purpose.
Example :
- The largest beautiful palace that located in the middle of the pine forest it's look like a dutch building
- She lives in the big house that located in Depok
- Mody is a generous girl
- The broken windows should be replaced

2. After be and linking verbs
Linking verbs do not express action. Instead, they connect the subject of the verb to additional information about the subject.
Look at the examples below:
- Aisyah is a hardworker.
- He is intellegent
- I know, Zilan is a dilligent
- They became bored
- Kaik's cat is cute

3. As an objective complement
An objective complement can be a noun or an adjective which follows the direct object renaming or modifying it. It is used with verbs like make, name, call, choose, elect, and appoint. It is not set off with commas as an appositive is.
A verb that has an objective complement in the active voice may in the passive voice have a predicate nominative or a predicate adjective. Examples:
My cat is called Badger by me.
I consider my cat smart.
My cat is considered smart by me.

4. After "someone" "something" "anyone" "anything"
- She has someone special
- Let's do something fun
- He want something different

Member 5 By : Aminurlaila (20216709)

1.  modify a verb
-Peter walked purposefully towards the door.
-Sarah stood impassively waiting for an answer
-She breathes heavily.
-He often sees his father in his dreams.
-He works efficiently on his own.

2. Modify and adjective
-The delegates were depressingly silent listening to the presentation.
-The cruise was terribly expensive
-He is really handsome.
-The water is warm enough to bathe in.
-I have been quite patient with him.

3. Modify another adverb
-He wrote extremely well
-He ran unbelievably quickly for a man his size.
-He whispers very softly in my ear.
-After her illness, she gets tired exceptionally easily.
-He finished his homework very quickly.

4. Modify the whole sentence
-Sometimes, I just look out the window, which relaxes me.
-Hopefully, they will come back in time.
-Personally, I don’t like the plans.
- Hopefully, the weather will be good enough for a picnic tomorrow.
-He will probably remember to reply my message.

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Bussiness English 2

Final Meeting, Test Assignment 1. Participles as adjectives  Member 1 by Aminurlaila (20216709) -Interested She's interested in ani...